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              1. <blockquote id='JRIkHD'><q id='JRIkHD'><noscript id='JRIkHD'></noscript><dt id='JRIkHD'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='JRIkHD'><i id='JRIkHD'></i>
                服务热线 0769-88320306
                广东亿鑫丰智能装备股份有限公司 服务热线: 0769-88320306 地 址:东莞市道滘镇南城工业区第三小区16号



                The equipment is suitable for the cutting and forming of positive and negative pole 

                pieces in the lamination process of power lithium battery. Constant tension automatic 

                feeding, EPC correction, metal die cutting molding (automatic waste), automatic corner

                 cutting automatic length measurement, automatic brush powder, CCD visual defects 

                and size detection, automatic receiving and other functions.

                High speed metal mold production model number: J350D-B




                High speed metal mold production machine performance characteristics:

                ● Advanced design concept to ensure product safety and reliability;

                ● Using lightweight carbon fiber roller, the weight of the roller is reduced from 2.8kg to 0.5kg, which

                 provides effective technical support for high-speed die-cutting;

                ● High degree of automation, with automatic taping function;

                ● Multi-deviation correction design, improve the dimensional accuracy of the forming pole;

                ● Mold with quick change function;

                ● Mold base moving mechanism: according to the material condition, the mold base automatically 

                adjusts to improve the dimensional accuracy of the pole plate;

                ● High precision mold to ensure the number of die cutting and die cutting quality;

                ● Mold self-cooling function and gas buffer function, effectively improve the service life of the mold;

                ● The pole plate traction is driven by DD motor directly, reducing the transmission error of the 

                intermediate link, and the dimensional accuracy can be controlled within ±0.2mm.

                ● Pole cutting knife: adopts patented scissor cutting mechanism, does not drop powder, small burr. 

                The other device can be cut according to the size of the pole slice

                By adjusting the positioning through servo drive, the width accuracy of the pole plate is improved.

                ● Non-contact dust removal, reduce the secondary pollution of dust, and effectively avoid the use 

                of brush powder to the pole plate damage;

                ● Install an independent dust suction device (belt connection, die cutting) where dust is easy to 

                produce, greatly reducing the occurrence of dust pollution.

                地 址:东莞市道滘镇南城工业区第三小区16号
                网 址:technocati.com 
                Copyright ? 广东亿鑫丰智能装备股份有限公司 版权所有 百度统计