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                服务热线 0769-88320306
                广东亿鑫丰智能装备股份有限公司 服务热线: 0769-88320306 地 址:东莞市道滘镇南城工业区第三小区16号



                The equipment will be the positive and negative pole sheet coil material first for the pole ear and pole sheet punching, automatically delivered to the lamination station, and then the positive and negative pole sheet and diaphragm for high-speed lamination, lamination after the completion of the diaphragm directly cut, attach the side fixing glue (U-shaped), and then the battery short circuit test, the test qualified pole group and the next process for docking, defective products discharged.



                切叠一体机型号:D300F-B   模叠一体机型号:D300F-C

                Lithium battery high-speed cutting machine Performance features:

                ● The design and layout of the whole machine is reasonable, the stack and glue are

                 located on both sides of the pole sheet feeding mechanism, which is easy to maintain 

                the whole machine and feed the auxiliary materials;

                ● The use of its own intellectual property rights of the cyclic continuous feeding mode,

                 no block of the plate delivery, to ensure that each stack beat

                ● The circulation transport line ensures no waste, no waste sheet is produced, and the 

                utilization rate of pole sheet is improved;

                ● Strong adaptability of the pole plate, avoiding the problem that the vacuum belt

                 transmission cannot be used due to the change of the size of the pole plate;

                ● The transport line of the pole piece is more stable than that of the vacuum belt, 

                avoiding the problem of grabbing misalignment and grabbing damage of the pole

                 piece by the vacuum belt;

                ● Integrated function: The machine can integrate the electrode size and defect 

                detection, the electrode brush powder function, the battery hot pressing, the battery 

                short circuit test and other functions.

                ● CCD visual positioning system, servo motor + precision ball screw positioning and 

                moving, X, Y, @ positioning accuracy, high stability;

                ● Diaphragm automatic unwinding, improve the machine utilization;

                ● Separate control at the dust generation of the machine: such as uncoiling,

                 independent one area, die cutting one area, and work in the area that produces more

                 dust, no waiting phenomenon, high efficiency;

                Improve the utilization rate of the whole machine;

                (die cutting area) add FFU, extract the environment of the floating powder, (die cutting 

                area) add FFU, extract the environment of the floating powder,

                Folding machine Model: D300F-B Folding machine model: D300F-C



                功能特点Functional features

                ? 一次性多片叠,单叠台可实现300个PPM,周转次数少,效率高,极片 损伤减少,一体化设计,场地、人力成本降低3~5倍。 

                ? 极片尺寸大,最大可以△做到1000*500mm

                ? One-time multi-piece stack, single stack can achieve 300 PPM, less turnover times, high efficiency, pole piece damage reduction, integrated design, site, labor costs reduced 3~5 times. 

                ? The pole size is large, the maximum can be 1000*500mm

                机器型号Machine type


                Counterpoint accuracy

                叠片效率Lamination efficiency

                片头/工位Stack head/station





                地 址:东莞市道滘镇南城工业区第三小区16号
                网 址:technocati.com 
                Copyright ? 广东亿鑫丰智能装备股份有限公司 版权所有 百度统计